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Breathwork Workshop

Throughout history, cultures worldwide have provided a means for people to access non-ordinary realms for healing and spiritual growth. Breathwork is a means of inducing an altered state of consciousness through full and connected breathing. An energy charge is created in the body, and as the energy disperses, it serves to release, or to cleanse blockages, both physical and emotional. Possible experiences include; resolution and release of current problems, unresolved childhood wounds, birth memories, past life remembrances, encounters with archetypes (gods and goddesses etc.), nature identification (i.e. the experience of being a tiger or a mountain), transcendence of time or space, and direct experiences of the promordial vibration in the form of inner light or music, deep peace or orgasmic states.

The process is gentle, safe, and loving and almost every person will have a deep moving experience. As an added benefit, Breathwork is quite healthy for the body. You will be conscious the whole time and totally in control. Please come prepared for immediate growth and powerful experience.


  • Stress and anxiety management
  • Chronic tension
  • Respiratory problems
  • Trauma
  • Emotional release
  • Weight and body issues
  • Relationship and birth issues
  • Direct Spiritual Experience
  • Self esteem

Join breathwork facilitators John Hunt and Julia Martin. To learn more about Julia and John's work and experience leading breathwork with teens and adults visit

Open to Ages 14yrs and up. (participants under 18 need to have a release signed by a parent/guardian)

Cost; $25-50 Sliding Scale. Please register by March 10th.

Please contact Julia Martin for more information. 371-5027.